Source code for vibrav.numerical.derivatives

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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_pos_neg_gradients(grad, freq, nmodes): ''' Here we get the gradients of the equilibrium, positive and negative displaced structures. We extract them from the gradient dataframe and convert them into normal coordinates by multiplying them by the frequency normal mode displacement values. Args: grad (:class:`exatomic.gradient.Gradient`): DataFrame containing all of the gradient data freq (:class:`exatomic.atom.Frquency`): DataFrame containing all of the frequency data nmodes (int): Number of normal modes in the molecule. Returns: delfq_zero (pandas.DataFrame): Normal mode converted gradients of equilibrium structure delfq_plus (pandas.DataFrame): Normal mode converted gradients of positive displaced structure delfq_minus (pandas.DataFrame): Normal mode converted gradients of negative displaced structure ''' grouped = grad.groupby('file') # get gradient of the equilibrium coordinates grad_0 = grouped.get_group(0) # get gradients of the displaced coordinates in the positive direction grad_plus = grouped.filter(lambda x: x['file'].drop_duplicates().values in range(1,nmodes+1)) snmodes = len(grad_plus['file'].drop_duplicates().values) # get gradients of the displaced coordinates in the negative direction grad_minus = grouped.filter(lambda x: x['file'].drop_duplicates().values in range(nmodes+1, 2*nmodes+1)) delfq_zero = freq.groupby('freqdx')[['dx', 'dy', 'dz']].apply(lambda x: np.sum(np.multiply(grad_0[['fx', 'fy', 'fz']].values, x.values))).values # we extend the size of this 1d array as we will perform some matrix summations with the # other outputs from this method delfq_zero = np.tile(delfq_zero, snmodes).reshape(snmodes, nmodes) delfq_plus = grad_plus.groupby('file')[['fx', 'fy', 'fz']].apply(lambda x: freq.groupby('freqdx')[['dx', 'dy', 'dz']].apply(lambda y: np.sum(np.multiply(y.values, x.values)))).values delfq_minus = grad_minus.groupby('file')[['fx', 'fy', 'fz']].apply(lambda x: freq.groupby('freqdx')[['dx', 'dy', 'dz']].apply(lambda y: np.sum(np.multiply(y.values, x.values)))).values delfq_zero = pd.DataFrame(delfq_zero) delfq_plus = pd.DataFrame(delfq_plus) delfq_minus = pd.DataFrame(delfq_minus) return [delfq_zero, delfq_plus, delfq_minus]
def _perform_1d_derivative(plus, minus, coeffs, delta): ''' Calculate the numerical first derivative. This is generalized for any finite difference method as long as the prefactors for each of the steps is given. Note: This assumes that the data is ordered such that the first element in the coefficients (`coeffs`) aligns with the first element in the data arrays (`plus` and `minus`). Args: plus (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the values for the positive displacement. minus (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the values for the negative displacement. coeffs (:obj:`list` of list-like): Coefficient prefactors to be used in the numerical differentiation. These are the scaling factors when performing the different types of central finite difference calculations. delta (:obj:`float`): Displacment parameter used. Returns: deriv (:obj:`float`): Numerical derivative of the given data sets. ''' deriv = 0 arrs = np.array([plus, minus]).T for idx, arr in enumerate(zip(*arrs)): for jdx, coeff in enumerate(coeffs): deriv += (-1)**idx*coeff*arr[jdx] deriv /= delta return deriv def _check_array_size(arr, size, label): msg = "Did not detect the right number of elements in the given " \ +"array for the {} displacements. Expected {}, but got {}." if arr.shape[0] != size: raise ValueError(msg.format(label, size, arr.shape[0]))
[docs]def two_point_1d(plus, minus, delta): ''' Two point central finite difference method to approximate the first derivative of the input data. Args: plus (:obj:`float`): Data frame with the positive displacement data. minus (:obj:`float`): Data frame with the negative displacement data. delta (:obj:`float`): Displacement parameter used. Returns: deriv (:obj:`float`): Numerical first derivative for given data. ''' coeffs = [0.5] deriv = _perform_1d_derivative(plus, minus, coeffs, delta) return deriv
[docs]def four_point_1d(plus, minus, delta): ''' Four point central finite difference method to approximate the first derivative of the input data, also know as the five point stencil. Args: plus (:obj:`float`): Data frame with the positive displacement data. minus (:obj:`float`): Data frame with the negative displacement data. delta (:obj:`float`): Displacement parameter used. Returns: deriv (:obj:`float`): Numerical first derivative for given data. ''' # make sure that the input data is of the right size _check_array_size(plus, 2, 'positive') _check_array_size(minus, 2, 'negative') # calculated coefficient prefactors for each displacement coeffs = [2./3, -1./12] deriv = _perform_1d_derivative(plus, minus, coeffs, delta) return deriv
[docs]def six_point_1d(plus, minus, delta): ''' Six point central finite difference method to approximate the first derivative of the input data. Args: plus (:obj:`float`): Data frame with the positive displacement data. minus (:obj:`float`): Data frame with the negative displacement data. delta (:obj:`float`): Displacement parameter used. Returns: deriv (:obj:`float`): Numerical first derivative for given data. ''' # make sure that the input data is of the right size _check_array_size(plus, 3, 'positive') _check_array_size(minus, 3, 'negative') # calculated coefficient prefactors for each displacement coeffs = [3./4, -3./20, 1./60] deriv = _perform_1d_derivative(plus, minus, coeffs, delta) return deriv
[docs]def eight_point_1d(plus, minus, delta): # make sure that the input data is of the right size _check_array_size(plus, 4, 'positive') _check_array_size(minus, 4, 'negative') # calculated coefficient prefactors for each displacement coeffs = [4./5, -1./5, 4./105, -1./280] deriv = _perform_1d_derivative(plus, minus, coeffs, delta) return deriv
def _perform_2d_derivative(plus, minus, equil, coeffs, delta): deriv = equil*coeffs[0] arrs = np.array([plus, minus]).T for arr in zip(*arrs): for jdx, coeff in enumerate(coeffs[1:]): deriv += coeff*arr[jdx] deriv /= delta**2 return deriv
[docs]def two_point_2d(plus, minus, equil, delta): coeffs = [-2., 1.] deriv = _perform_2d_derivative(plus, minus, equil, coeffs, delta) return deriv
[docs]def four_point_2d(plus, minus, equil, delta): # make sure that the input data is of the right size _check_array_size(plus, 2, 'positive') _check_array_size(minus, 2, 'negative') coeffs = [-5./2, 4./3, -1./12] deriv = _perform_2d_derivative(plus, minus, equil, coeffs, delta) return deriv
[docs]def six_point_2d(plus, minus, equil, delta): # make sure that the input data is of the right size _check_array_size(plus, 3, 'positive') _check_array_size(minus, 3, 'negative') coeffs = [-49./18, 3./2, -3./20, 1./90] deriv = _perform_2d_derivative(plus, minus, equil, coeffs, delta) return deriv
[docs]def eight_point_2d(plus, minus, equil, delta): # make sure that the input data is of the right size _check_array_size(plus, 4, 'positive') _check_array_size(minus, 4, 'negative') coeffs = [-205./72, 8./5, -1./5, 8./315, -1./560] deriv = _perform_2d_derivative(plus, minus, equil, coeffs, delta) return deriv
def _get_prefac(p, d): ''' Simple function to get the common divisible factor on all the displacements. Mainly useful when trying to get the prefactors with the root finding algorithm in :func:`vibrav.numerical.derivatives._determine_prefactors`. ''' prefacs = np.sum([2*x*y for x, y in zip(p, d)]) return prefacs def _determine_prefactors(p, d): n = len(p) eqs = [2/np.math.factorial(x)*np.sum(p*d**x) \ for x in range(1, 2*n, 2)] eqs[0] -= _get_prefac(p, d) return eqs def _get_arb_coeffs(steps): ''' Calculate the coefficients for the arbitrary displacements. Args: steps (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the absolute step increments taken. Should be made up of integers. Returns: coeffs (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Coefficient prefactors to use in the numerical derivative. ''' from scipy.optimize import root x0 = np.array([0.5]*steps.shape[0]) res = root(_determine_prefactors, x0=x0, args=steps) prefac = _get_prefac(res.x, steps) coeffs = res.x/prefac return coeffs
[docs]def arb_disps_1d(plus, minus, disp_steps, delta): ''' Unlike the functions :func:`vibrav.numerical.derivatives.four_point_1d`, :func:`vibrav.numerical.derivatives.six_point_1d`. This function serves to calculate a derivative when the displacements are not constant. Note: This requires that the steps are symmetric. Meaning, the steps that are taken in the positive direction must be the same as in the negative direction. Args: plus (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the positive displacement data. minus (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the negative displacement data. disp_steps (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array with the displacement step size taken. delta (:obj:`float`): Displacement taken for first diaplacement step. Returns: deriv (:obj:`float`): Numerical first derivative for given data. ''' # TODO: for now we just assume that the given # data has the right size steps = disp_steps/delta if not np.allclose(steps, list(map(int, steps))): raise ValueError("There is an issue with the given steps taken.") coeffs = _get_arb_coeffs(steps) deriv = _perform_1d_derivative(plus, minus, coeffs, delta) return deriv