VROA intensities of methyloxirane¶
Here we show an example of how to calculate the VROA intensities of methyloxirane calculated with an incident wavelength of 488.9 nm.
Run the VROA code¶
First import any packages that we need. Mainly just need the VROA class from vibrav.
from vibrav.base import resource
from vibrav import VROA
import numpy as np
Initialize the class and print the elements in the configuration file
with open(resource('methyloxirane-vroa-va.conf'), 'r') as fn:
DELTA_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-delta.dat.xz
SMATRIX_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-smatrix.dat.xz
ATOM_ORDER_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-atom_order.dat.xz
REDUCED_MASS_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-redmass.dat.xz
FREQUENCY_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-freq.dat.xz
EQCOORD_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-eqcoord.dat.xz
ROA_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-roa.csv.xz
GRAD_FILE methyloxirane-vroa-grad.csv.xz
vroa = VROA(config_file=resource('methyloxirane-vroa-va.conf'))
Run the vroa
method to calculate the intensities. Internally we read the ROA and gradient data from the lines in the configuration file corresponding to roa_file
and grad_file
. These have to be created prior to the run and are simple csv files generated by the python library, pandas.
For more information about how we parse the outputs you can refer to the tutorial on parsing the NWChem outputs using exatomic.
Print the VROA intensities and other pertinent information
freq | freqdx | beta_g*1e6 | beta_A*1e6 | alpha_g*1e6 | backscatter | forwardscatter | exc_freq | exc_idx | |
0 | 200.247393 | 0 | 3.656216 | -0.273074 | 0.040271 | 0.000342 | 0.000092 | 488.9 | 0 |
1 | 354.450962 | 1 | -35.948619 | -4.790522 | -0.202244 | -0.003604 | -0.000644 | 488.9 | 0 |
2 | 398.589617 | 2 | 2.472626 | 4.730142 | -1.325064 | 0.000389 | -0.000990 | 488.9 | 0 |
3 | 719.359726 | 3 | 132.090769 | 38.915333 | 2.796307 | 0.013926 | 0.003504 | 488.9 | 0 |
4 | 798.974164 | 4 | -170.470297 | -21.596906 | -1.259120 | -0.017056 | -0.003289 | 488.9 | 0 |
5 | 875.765502 | 5 | -179.496773 | -85.647522 | 0.856508 | -0.019972 | -0.000885 | 488.9 | 0 |
6 | 930.279028 | 6 | 43.652907 | 13.460119 | 4.053168 | 0.004621 | 0.003401 | 488.9 | 0 |
7 | 1007.463980 | 7 | 42.888944 | 22.644693 | 1.396536 | 0.004842 | 0.001329 | 488.9 | 0 |
8 | 1090.810610 | 8 | -20.942816 | -10.046244 | -1.407385 | -0.002332 | -0.001188 | 488.9 | 0 |
9 | 1111.217660 | 9 | 111.839344 | 10.336868 | 0.211851 | 0.011067 | 0.001777 | 488.9 | 0 |
10 | 1124.140810 | 10 | 11.552339 | 13.400895 | -0.161749 | 0.001538 | -0.000146 | 488.9 | 0 |
11 | 1149.661160 | 11 | -115.650502 | -30.017963 | 2.671025 | -0.012063 | 0.000553 | 488.9 | 0 |
12 | 1248.157950 | 12 | 50.434903 | -3.105703 | -7.331371 | 0.004742 | -0.004422 | 488.9 | 0 |
13 | 1370.356780 | 13 | 15.428338 | -8.882977 | -0.118462 | 0.001197 | 0.000304 | 488.9 | 0 |
14 | 1389.679630 | 14 | -56.263793 | -25.389564 | -5.371933 | -0.006214 | -0.004362 | 488.9 | 0 |
15 | 1447.995300 | 15 | -108.852976 | -9.084926 | -0.441561 | -0.010741 | -0.001914 | 488.9 | 0 |
16 | 1462.169630 | 16 | 270.411325 | 92.294289 | -0.617040 | 0.028913 | 0.002406 | 488.9 | 0 |
17 | 1484.006190 | 17 | -79.691973 | -11.972509 | 0.002530 | -0.008034 | -0.001082 | 488.9 | 0 |
18 | 2955.233120 | 18 | -135.170825 | 38.082939 | -28.831868 | -0.011758 | -0.023531 | 488.9 | 0 |
19 | 2996.254680 | 19 | 979.837908 | -38.224550 | 49.152893 | 0.092841 | 0.051679 | 488.9 | 0 |
20 | 3003.433440 | 20 | -1954.768108 | -415.801685 | -60.440709 | -0.200963 | -0.068141 | 488.9 | 0 |
21 | 3006.058620 | 21 | -260.461289 | -480.375629 | 5.705709 | -0.040376 | 0.007627 | 488.9 | 0 |
22 | 3031.862470 | 22 | 783.244711 | 360.553324 | -23.132314 | 0.086729 | -0.009892 | 488.9 | 0 |
23 | 3074.662670 | 23 | 490.996556 | 303.938290 | 40.039345 | 0.056862 | 0.031821 | 488.9 | 0 |
Plot the calculated intensities¶
We use a full-width at half-maximum of 20 wavenumbers.
For this example we use ‘atomic’ units where the calculated VROA units are in \(\unicode{xC5}^4/\text{amu}\)
Set up the lineshape function
def lorentz(omega, omega_0, fwhm):
return (1/np.pi) * 05.*fwhm / ((omega-omega_0)**2 + 0.25*fwhm**2)
x = np.linspace(0, 1800, 1000)
y = np.zeros(1000)
arr = zip(vroa.scatter['freq'], vroa.scatter['forwardscatter'])
for omega_0, inten in arr:
y += lorentz(omega=x, omega_0=omega_0, fwhm=20)*inten
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3), dpi=200)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.7)
ax.plot(x, 1e3*y, linewidth=1.0)
ax.set_xlabel('Wavenumber / cm$^{-1}$')
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta d\sigma/d\Omega\left(180^{o}\right)$ / $10^{-3}~\AA^{4}$/amu")
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