vibrav.molcas.output module¶
- class vibrav.molcas.output.Output(path_stream_or_string, as_interned=False, nprint=30, name=None, description=None, meta=None, encoding=None, ignore=False)[source]¶
This output editor is supposed to work for OpenMolcas. Currently it is only designed to parse the data required for this script.
- parse_contribution()[source]¶
Parse the Spin-Free contibutions to each Spin-Orbit state from a regular molcas Spin-Orbit RASSI calculation.
- parse_sf_angmom()[source]¶
Get the Spin-Free angular momentum.
- Raises:
AttributeError – If it cannot find the angular momentum property. This is applicable to this package as it expects it to be present.
- parse_sf_dipole_moment()[source]¶
Get the Spin-Free electric dipole moment.
- Raises:
AttributeError – If it cannot find the angular momentum property. This is applicable to this package as it expects it to be present.