# This file is part of vibrav.
# vibrav is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# vibrav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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from exatomic.util import conversions, constants
from vibrav.numerical.vroa_func import backscat, forwscat, make_derivatives
from vibrav.core.config import Config
from vibrav.util.io import read_data_file
from vibrav.util.file_checking import _check_file_continuity
from vibrav.util.math import levi_civita as epsilon
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
[docs]class VROA():
Main class to run vibrational Raman optical activity calculations.
**Required arguments**
| Argument | Description | Data Type |
| number_of_nuclei | Number of nuclei in the system. | :obj:`int` |
| number_of_modes | Number of normal modes in the molecule. | :obj:`int` |
| incident_frequency | The incident frequency used in the calculation. | :obj:`list` of |
| | This should have the same number of elements as | :obj:`float` |
| | the unique labels in the `exc_idx` column. | |
| | Expected to be in units of nanometer. | |
**Default arguments**
| Argument | Description | Default Value |
| roa_file | Filepath of the ROA data from the quantum chemistry | roa.csv |
| | calculation. | |
| grad_file | Filepath of the gradient data from the quantum chemistry | grad.csv |
| | calculation. | |
Other default arguments are taken care of with the :class:`vibrav.core.config.Config` class.
_required_inputs = {'number_of_modes': int, 'number_of_nuclei': int,
'incident_frequency': (list, float)}
_default_inputs = {'roa_file': ('roa.csv', str),
'grad_file': ('grad.csv', str)}
[docs] @staticmethod
def raman_int_units(lambda_0, lambda_p, temp=None):
Function to calculate the K_p value as given in equation 2 on J. Chem.
Phys. 2007, 127, 134101.
We assume the temperature to be 298.15 as a hard coded value. Must get
rid of this in future
iterations. The final units of the equation are in cm^2/sr which are
said to be the units for
the Raman intensities.
Input values `lambda_0` and `lambda_p` must be in the units of
m :math:`^{-1}`.
lambda_0 (float): Wavenumber value of the incident light
lambda_1 (numpy.array): Wavenumber values of the vibrational modes
temp (float): Value of the temperature of the experiment
kp (numpy.array): Array with the values of the conversion units of
length lambda_1.shape[0]
if temp is None: temp=298.15
H = constants.Planck_constant
C = constants.speed_of_light_in_vacuum
KB = constants.Boltzmann_constant
au2m = constants.atomic_unit_of_length
u2Kg = conversions.u2Kg
boltz = 1.0/(1.0-np.exp(-H*C*lambda_p/(KB*temp)))
const = H * np.pi**2 / C
variables = (lambda_0 - lambda_p)**4/lambda_p
kp = variables * const * boltz * (au2m**4 / u2Kg) * 16 / 45. * 100**2
return kp
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_complex(df):
Transform the electric dipole-quadrupole polarizability tensor
to complex valued.
df (pandas.DataFrame): Data frame with the three cartesian
directions of the electric
dipole-quadrupole polarizability tensor.
new_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data frame with the complex
valued tensor.
grouped = df.groupby('type')
cols = [x+y for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] for y in ['x', 'y', 'z']]
complex_val = grouped.get_group('real')[cols].values \
+ 1j*grouped.get_group('imag')[cols].values
new_df = pd.DataFrame(complex_val, columns=cols)
#new_df['file'] = df['file'].unique()[0]
new_df['exc_idx'] = df['exc_idx'].unique()[0]
return new_df
[docs] def vroa(self, atomic_units=True, temp=None, assume_real=False, print_stdout=False):
VROA method to calculate the VROA back/forwardscatter intensities from the
equations given in paper J. Phys. Chem. A 2016, 120, 9740-9748
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b09975
The final units of this method is in :math:`\\unicode{xC5}^{4} / amu`. When using
`atomic_units=False` the output values are in :math:`cm^2 / sr`.
atomic_units (:obj:`bool`, optional): Calculate the intensities in
atomic units. Defaults to `True`.
temp (:obj:`float`, optional): Calculate the boltzmann factors with
the specified temperature. Defaults to
`None` which is then converted to 298 K.
assume_real (:obj:`bool`, optional): Assume that the ROA data is
not complex valued. The equations will
ignore the imaginary contributions. Only
recommended for testing purposes.
Defaults to `False`.
print_stdout (:obj:`bool`, optional): Print the progress of the
script to stdout. Defaults to `False`.
config = self.config
if print_stdout:
print("Printing contents of config file")
scatter = []
raman = []
# grab the data from the respective files given in the config file
nmodes = config.number_of_modes
delta = read_data_file(config.delta_file, nmodes)
rmass = read_data_file(config.reduced_mass_file, nmodes)
freq = read_data_file(config.frequency_file, nmodes)
# grab the data that was already parsed for the ROA and gradients
roa = pd.read_csv(config.roa_file)
grad = pd.read_csv(config.grad_file)
# remove the zeroth index
roa_0 = roa.groupby('file').get_group(0)
idxs = roa_0.index.values
roa = roa.loc[~roa.index.isin(idxs)]
except KeyError:
# set up some constants
C = constants.speed_of_light_in_vacuum
conv = constants.atomic_unit_of_time / constants.atomic_unit_of_length
C_au = C * conv
arr = zip(roa.groupby('exc_idx'), grad.groupby('exc_idx'))
for (idx, roa_data), (_, grad_data) in arr:
# convert the excitation frequency to a.u.
#tmp = roa_data['exc_freq'].unique()
#if tmp.shape[0] > 1:
# raise ValueError("More than one excitation frequency was found " \
# +"with the same index.")
exc_wave = config.incident_frequency[idx]
if exc_wave > 3000:
msg = "Detected very long wavelength values for " \
+"the incident frequency {} nm. Will " \
+"continue with the calculation with this " \
warnings.warn(msg.format(exc_wave), Warning)
if print_stdout:
print("Found excitation wavelength of {:.2f} nm".format(exc_wave))
exc_freq = 1e9/exc_wave*conversions.inv_m2Ha
except ZeroDivisionError:
text = "The excitation frequency detected was close to zero"
raise ZeroDivisionError(text)
# check to see that we have a positive and negative displacement
# for each of the normal modes
roa_data = _check_file_continuity(roa_data, "ROA", nmodes)
grad_data = _check_file_continuity(grad_data, "Gradient", nmodes)
# get which of the frequencies we have
select_freq = roa_data['file'].sort_values().drop_duplicates().values-1
mask = select_freq > nmodes-1
select_freq = select_freq[~mask]
snmodes = len(select_freq)
# get the data for those frequencies that we have found
if snmodes < nmodes:
sel_rmass = rmass[select_freq].reshape(snmodes,1)
sel_delta = delta[select_freq].reshape(snmodes,1)
sel_freq = freq[select_freq]
sel_rmass = rmass.reshape(snmodes, 1)
sel_delta = delta.reshape(snmodes, 1)
sel_freq = freq
cols = ['label', 'file']
complex_roa = roa_data.groupby(cols).apply(self.make_complex)
complex_roa.drop('level_2', axis=1, inplace=True)
# get the data for the dipole-quadrupole polarizability
cols = [x+y for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] for y in ['x', 'y', 'z']]
labels = ['Ax', 'Ay', 'Az']
grouped = complex_roa.groupby('label') \
.filter(lambda x: x['label'].unique()[0] in labels) \
tmp = grouped.apply(lambda x: np.array(
[x[cols].values[0], x[cols].values[1],
tmp = tmp.reset_index(drop=True).to_dict()
A = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tmp).T
# get the data for the electric dipole-dipole polarizability
tmp = complex_roa.groupby('label').get_group('alpha')[cols] \
alpha = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tmp)
# get the data for the electric dipole-magnetic dipole polarizability
tmp = complex_roa.groupby('label').get_group('g_prime')[cols] \
g_prime = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tmp)
# determine the derivatives of the gradients
#grad_derivs = self.get_pos_neg_gradients(grad_data, smat, nmodes)
# separate tensors into positive and negative displacements
# highly dependent on the value of the index
# we neglect the equilibrium coordinates
# 0 corresponds to equilibrium coordinates
# 1 - nmodes corresponds to positive displacements
# nmodes+1 - 2*nmodes corresponds to negative displacements
alpha_plus = np.divide(alpha.loc[range(0,snmodes)].values,
alpha_minus = np.divide(alpha.loc[range(snmodes, 2*snmodes)].values,
g_prime_plus = np.divide(g_prime.loc[range(0,snmodes)].values,
g_prime_minus = np.divide(g_prime.loc[range(snmodes, 2*snmodes)].values,
A_plus = np.divide(A.loc[range(0, snmodes)].values, np.sqrt(sel_rmass))
A_minus = np.divide(A.loc[range(snmodes, 2*snmodes)].values, np.sqrt(sel_rmass))
# generate derivatives by two point central finite difference method
dalpha_dq = np.divide((alpha_plus - alpha_minus), 2 * sel_delta)
dg_dq = np.divide((g_prime_plus - g_prime_minus), 2 * sel_delta)
dA_dq = np.array([np.divide((A_plus[i] - A_minus[i]), 2 * sel_delta[i])
for i in range(snmodes)])
# generate properties as shown on equations 5-9 in paper
# J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 134101
au2angs = constants.atomic_unit_of_length*1e10
arrs = make_derivatives(dalpha_dq, dg_dq, dA_dq, exc_freq, epsilon,
snmodes, au2angs**4, C_au, assume_real)
alpha_squared, beta_alpha, beta_g, beta_A, alpha_g = arrs
# calculate Raman intensities
raman_int = 4 * (45 * alpha_squared + 8 * beta_alpha)
# calculate VROA back scattering and forward scattering intensities
backscat_vroa = backscat(beta_g, beta_A)
forwscat_vroa = forwscat(alpha_g, beta_g, beta_A)
# convert to raman units if desired
if not atomic_units:
lambda_0 = exc_freq*conversions.Ha2inv_m
lambda_p = sel_freq*100
kp = self.raman_int_units(lambda_0=lambda_0, lambda_p=lambda_p, temp=temp)
kp *= 100**2
raman_int *= kp
backscat_vroa *= kp
forwscat_vroa *= kp
# generate dataframe with all pertinent data for vroa scatter
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"freq": sel_freq, "freqdx": select_freq, "beta_g*1e6":beta_g*1e6,
"beta_A*1e6": beta_A*1e6, "alpha_g*1e6": alpha_g*1e6,
"backscatter": backscat_vroa, "forwardscatter":forwscat_vroa})
df['exc_freq'] = np.repeat(exc_wave, len(df))
df['exc_idx'] = np.repeat(idx, len(df))
rdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"freq": sel_freq, "freqdx": select_freq,
"alpha_squared": alpha_squared,
"beta_alpha": beta_alpha, "raman_int": raman_int})
rdf['exc_freq'] = np.repeat(exc_wave, len(rdf))
rdf['exc_idx'] = np.repeat(idx, len(df))
self.scatter = pd.concat(scatter)
self.scatter.sort_values(by=['exc_freq','freq'], inplace=True)
# added this as there seems to be some issues with the indexing when there are
# nearly degenerate modes
self.scatter.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# check ordering of the freqdx column
self.raman = pd.concat(raman)
self.raman.sort_values(by=['exc_freq', 'freq'], inplace=True)
self.scatter.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
def __init__(self, config_file, *args, **kwargs):
config = Config.open_config(config_file, self._required_inputs,
self.config = config